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Gain valuable insights on politics, government, and leadership from bestselling author, former Medtronic CEO, and Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School.
Overjoyed that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’s running mate! - Read my statement here
Emerging Leaders
A dynamic newsletter by Bill George, Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School, former Medtronic CEO, and Best-selling Author, to help established and emerging leaders find their True North. Join the 94,000+ subscribers today!
As CEO of Medtronic, Bill grew enterprise value by 60x. As a Harvard professor for 20 years, he has engaged thousands of emerging leaders. As a bestselling author and media commentator, his message has reached millions. His speeches convey powerful principles: organizations can only achieve their full potential by developing authentic leaders inside them; each individual must cultivate True North, a moral compass to successfully navigate the challenges of leadership; and when leaders uncover a personal purpose (North Star) they position themselves to make a difference in the world.