Feb 28, 2012

2012: The Year of the Peer Advisory Group

Originially Posted: Executive Street Blog on Vistage.com
February 26,2012

In September of last year, I wrote a post titled Why Peer Advisory Groups Will Be The Next Big Thing, based on a number of different trends and on what I described as the “perfect storm” for peer advisory groups to take off.  To be clear, I’m not touting any special powers or taking any credit here at all, but interestingly enough, the conversation about peer advisory groups during January and February 2012 alone has already eclipsed its mention during all of 2011.

On one hand, I’m pleasantly surprised.  On the other hand, it makes perfect sense.  CEOs who become acquainted with the power of peer advisory groups for themselves want to make it available to more executives in their organizations.  HR executives and senior leaders at larger companies who seek to maximize their investments in executive development and create alignment to meet the challenges of the future are taking a closer look at starting peer advisory groups within their own organizations.  Today’s employees, many of whom are working toward their master degrees, are often doing so as part of cohorts or learning teams – the academic equivalent to the peer advisory group.  Upon graduation, they will continue to seek similar peer-to-peer opportunities in the workplace in greater numbers.  Finally, peers trust their peers.  According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, among other sources, it’s a burgeoning trend.

In addition to the 15 posts on peer advisory I’ve written since the fall, including an interview with True North Groups author Bill George, please find a Peer Advisory Group anthology of sorts.  Here are some highlights from just the first two months of 2012!

(1/5/12) Five Key Factors to Look for in a Peer Advisory Groups Les Deck Consulting.comhttp://lesdeckconsulting.com/peergroups-fivekeyfactors/

(1/13/12) Why I Decided to Join Vistage by MP Mueller Nytimes.comhttp://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/13/why-i-decided-to-join-vistage/

(1/20/12) Who Are You Talking To? by Tom Searcy Inc.com http://www.inc.com/tom-searcy/who-are-you-talking-to.html

(1/20/12) It’s Not Quite as Lonely at the Top by MP Mueller NYTimes.comhttp://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/20/its-not-quite-as-lonely-at-the-top/

(2/3/12) Peer Groups: A Mastermind Concept that Works by Michele Miller ChannelProSMB.comhttp://www.channelprosmb.com/article/28395/Peer-Groups-A-Mastermind-Concept-that-Works/

(2/9/12) Holding the Business Owner Accountable by MP Mueller NYTimes.comhttp://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/09/holding-the-business-owner-accountable/?scp=1&sq=vistage&st=cse

(2/13/12) CEOs in my Vistage Peer Group candidly reveal the impact the group has had on their business by Brian L. Davis The Leadership Catalyst http://theleadershipcatalyst.wordpress.com/category/ceo-peer-groups/

(2/15/12) It’s time To Acknowledge CEO Loneliness by Thomas J. Saporito HBR.org http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/02/its_time_to_acknowledge_ceo_lo.html

(2/21/12) Peer to Peer Engagement: The Reason We’re Here by Marshall Manson Edelmanhttp://www.edelmandigital.com/2012/02/21/peer-to-peer-engagement/

(2/23/12) If Mark Zuckerberg is Lonely, Here’s my Solution By Kristi Hedges Forbes.comhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/work-in-progress/2012/02/23/if-mark-zuckerberg-is-lonely-heres-my-solution/