Overjoyed that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’s running mate! - Read my statement here

Delta Sky Mag: Leading Through Giving

From a young age I have understood the importance of giving. My father and mother instilled in me the practice of giving tithes, and I have stuck with that practice my entire life. Both of my parents were very involved in giving back – from local charities and organizations to the United Way and Rotary Club.

I believe that we must make a resolution to give back, however. It cannot be something that taught early but never executed. We must also be willing to donate our time in addition to our money.

Finally, it is critical that we prioritize the causes that we are truly passionate about. Otherwise, we may spread ourselves too thin between the innumerable amount of valiant causes that exist in the world.

Bottom line: Find the places you actually care about giving back to; then, commit yourself to contributing time, money and effort.

Link to full article                              

This was originally posted to Delta Sky Magazine.