Oct 2, 2009

CNBC’s Executive Vision series: “If you build value, you are a healer”

On Tuesday night I appeared CNBC’s “Executive Vision” series with a panel consisting of Dr. Bill Frist, David Snow, Gerard Kleisterlee, Sir William Castell, Jeffrey Kindler, Myrtle Potter to discuss the current health care industry landscape. 

It was a quick-hitting discussion touching on everything from client-patient relationships, to corporate accountability, to the need for forthright internal and external communication (which we all agreed is necessity for effective management in a health care crisis).

In the end, I concluded that in health care, a company must retain and project core value of trust, integrity, transparency, and openess to be a successful organization.  But I think it was my fellow panelist, Dr. Frist, who made one of the most compelling and pithy points of the night: “Leadership is built around healing, and healing is built around value… if you build value, you are a healer.” 

Take a look at the video links below for the entirety of the discussion.  And as always, please let me know your thoughts.

“Blueprint for Breakthrough Leadership” Part 1

“Blueprint for Breakthrough Leadership” Part 2

“Blueprint for Breakthrough Leadership” Part 3

“Blueprint for Breakthrough Leadership” Part 4

“Blueprint for Breakthrough Leadership” Part 5