Overjoyed that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’s running mate! - Read my statement here

September 03, 2011

Launch of True North Groups

Last Thursday we had the launch of True North Groups at the University of Minnesota. Following an opening reception, we had a “Conversation on Personal and Leadership Development” with 450 people participating in the event that was hosted by the Center for Spirituality and Healing. Center director Dr. Mary Jo Kreitzer moderated the dialogue with my co-author Doug Baker and me, with many stimulating and profound questions and comments from the attendees.

For those who were not able to attend, the entire conversation was videotaped and will be hosted soon on www.billgeorge.org and www.truenorthgroupsinstitute.org. Doug and I would welcome your comments on our website about your experiences in small groups like True North Groups. 

Follow me on Twitter and connect with me on Facebook to see comments from the event.