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July 25, 2013

Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal – Bill George, James Campbell, R.T. Rybak join board to oversee giant Mayo expansion

By Katharine Grayson, Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal

The Mayo Clinic on Tuesday selected former Medtronic CEO Bill George to represent it on the board overseeing its Destination Medical Center (DMCC) expansion project.

The state in May committed $327 million to support the DMCC initiative, and the legislation called for Mayo to appoint one person to an eight-member board of directors.

Gov. Mark Dayton also appointed four members to the board on Tuesday, including Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and former Wells Fargo Minnesota CEO James Campbell. The other two Dayton-appointed members are Tina Flint Smith, Dayton’s chief of staff, and Susan Rani, president of Minneapolis-based engineering firm Rani Engineering.

George, a professor of management practice at Harvard’s business school, serves on the boards of Goldman Sachs and ExxonMobil.

“Mayo Clinic’s decision to invest several billion dollars over the next 20 years and establish its global DMC in Minnesota presents an unprecedented opportunity for our state and the Rochester area specifically,” George said in a press statement.

The city of Rochester’s mayor and city council president, as well as a representative from Olmsted County, also will sit on the board.