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November 16, 2009

Podcasts & Reviews: 7 Lessons For Leading In Crisis

At the World Business Forum this past September, I had the pleasure of hosting a reception with the top business bloggers in the country who in attendance cover the events.

I’ve remained in contact with many of them, and recently connected with Jonathan Fields for a podcast to discuss my latest book, 7 Lessons for Leading In Crisis.  We also took a deeper dive on crisis-time leadership and social media. 

Here’s what Jonathan had to say about the conversation:

“In this candid interview, Bill and I cover everything from leading in a time of crisis to the true meaning of success on a personal level. He reveals not only his thoughts on business, but on family, life, passion and people. And, you’ll never believe what he’s been doing twice a day since the 70s; it’s something he says has been instrumental in his success.”

You can listen to the entire conversation here: Behind The Leader: A Candid Conversation with Bill 

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WBF alum, Steve Todd was gracious enough to review 7 Lessons for Leading In Crisis.  I’ve included a few excerpts below:

“Overall I enjoyed the unique point of view on the financial crisis, as well as the framework for evaluating leadership. It’s a good reference book to keep handy during tough times.”

“If I want to evaluate my own leadership skills during a crisis, the book is an excellent place to turn. If I want to evaluate a public official, or a corporate executive, and formulate a thoughtful opinion of their performance during a crisis, I would refer to this book.”

You can read the rest of the review here: Book Review: 7 Lessons For Leading In Crisis.

Many thanks again to Steve and Jonathan!