Overjoyed that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’s running mate! - Read my statement here

October 04, 2009

Seth Kahan’s Interview Before World Business Forum

Seth Kahan interviewed me yesterday in the run-up to the World Business Forum.  We had a great, wide-ranging conversation and he ran the interview on his Fast Company blog.

Here are a few excerpts: 

I’m excited to host an event with many of the bloggers covering the World Business Forum on Monday.  My social media team will also be live-blogging the event.  It’s a great group covering a great event, so check back at BillGeorge.org all day Tuesday & Wednesday for real-time coverage of the fantastic WBF speaker lineup.  And check out the other great bloggers covering the event:

Wall Street Journal Paul Glader @wsj
The Huffington Post Shahien Nasiripour @huffbusiness
BusinessWeek.com Reena Jana @RJMAC

Reuters Felix Salmon @felixsalmon
Newsweek Katie Paul @newsweek
Business.com: What Works for Business Daniel Kehrer@whatworks
asmarterplanet.com Adam Christensen @smarterplanet
Jossey-Bass on Leadership Carolyn Carlstroem @josseybassbiz
mashable.com Ben Parr @benparr
billgeorge.org Zach Clayton @bill_george
The Big Picture Barry Ritholtz
Execunet Lauryn Franzoni @LaurynFranzoni
Execunet Robyn Greenspan @Robyngreenspan
Execunet Joseph McCool
Execunet Jeffrey Sherman Thompson
1 to 1 Media Don Peppers @donpeppers
Path Forward International Julie Lenzer Kirk@YourBoot
Path Forward International Renee Lewis @chiefcatalyst
Thought Bright Blog Robert McNeill
Working Knowledge Andrea Meyer @AndreaMeyer
Working Knowledge Dana Meyer @WorkingKnowledg
Business Boomer Arabella Santiago @businessboomer
Information Playground (EMC) Steve Todd @SteveTodd
Social Media Blog Stu Stuart Miniman @stu
Insights on Leadership and Employee Engagement Michael Lee Stallard @MichaelStallard
Avaya & Buzz Marketing for Tech Paul Dunay @pauldunay
Innoblog Renee Hopkins @Renee_Innosight
Business Strategy Innovation Blog Braden Kelley @innovate
HSMInspiringIdeas.com Graciela Gonzalez Biondo @HSMAmericas
Time Leadership Jim Estill @JimEstill
Goodness500.org Michael Mossoba @creativemichael
All Things Workplace Steve Roesler @steveroesler
Orrin Woodward Leadership Team Orrin Woodward@Orrin_Woodward
Influential Marketing Rohit Bhargava @rohitbhargava
Brain Leaders and Learners Dr. Ellen Weber @EllenfWeber
Brain Based Biz Dr. Robyn McMaster @RobynMcMaster
Triple Pundit Jen Boynton @triplepundit
Triple Pundit Nick Aster @triplepundit
Triple Pundit Ryan Mickle @triplepundit
Marketing Thoughts Blog Ken McArthur @kenmcArthur
Training Magazine’s Training Day Blog Margery Weinstein@margeryw
Awake at the Wheel Jonathan Fields @jonathanfields
Hot Mommas Project Kathy Korman Frey @chiefhotmomma
Vault.com Philip Stott @VaultCareers
Vault.com Linda Petock @VaultCareers
Economist Mom Diane Lim Rogers @EconomistMom
Hank Wasiak Hank Wasiak @hankwasiak
Chris Brady’s Leadership Blog Chris Brady @rascaltweets
The Complete Innovator Boris Pluskowski @bpluskowski
PR Mama Stephanie Smirnov @ssmirnov
Ramblings from a Glass Half Full Terry Starbucker @Starbucker
Conference Hound Jordan Enright-Schulz @conferencehound
Conference Hound Bruce Carlisle @conferencehound
Successful Blog Liz Strauss @lizstrauss
Collaboration Solutions in Industry Segments Bob Preston@BobPrestonCCO
5 Blogs Before Lunch David Allen Ibsen @daveibsen
Angry Bear Dan Crawford @angrybearecon
Angry Bear Ken Houghton @angrybearecon
Tree Hugger Matthew McDermott @matmcdermott