Seth Kahan’s Interview Before World Business Forum
Seth Kahan interviewed me yesterday in the run-up to the World Business Forum. We had a great, wide-ranging conversation and he ran the interview on his Fast Company blog.
Here are a few excerpts:
- Leaders need to think of the world like the Internet. It is less hierarchy and more interconnected than it has ever been before. Successful leaders understand this. They take the time to talk to everyone who has something to say regardless of their title. They find ways to stay in touch. Sure, it’s a lot of work. It’s very intense. It’s a 24/7 kind of thing. But, it is what makes them successful.
- The recession is not over. I know Bernanke is saying the recession is over. But look, we have another big increase in job losses last month. 10% of Americans are officially unemployed and that number does not count those people who have given up looking for jobs, so it’s really much more. There’s a lot to do.
I’m excited to host an event with many of the bloggers covering the World Business Forum on Monday. My social media team will also be live-blogging the event. It’s a great group covering a great event, so check back at all day Tuesday & Wednesday for real-time coverage of the fantastic WBF speaker lineup. And check out the other great bloggers covering the event:
Wall Street Journal Paul Glader @wsj
The Huffington Post Shahien Nasiripour @huffbusiness Reena Jana @RJMAC
Reuters Felix Salmon @felixsalmon
Newsweek Katie Paul @newsweek What Works for Business Daniel Kehrer@whatworks Adam Christensen @smarterplanet
Jossey-Bass on Leadership Carolyn Carlstroem @josseybassbiz Ben Parr @benparr Zach Clayton @bill_george
The Big Picture Barry Ritholtz
Execunet Lauryn Franzoni @LaurynFranzoni
Execunet Robyn Greenspan @Robyngreenspan
Execunet Joseph McCool
Execunet Jeffrey Sherman Thompson
1 to 1 Media Don Peppers @donpeppers
Path Forward International Julie Lenzer Kirk@YourBoot
Path Forward International Renee Lewis @chiefcatalyst
Thought Bright Blog Robert McNeill
Working Knowledge Andrea Meyer @AndreaMeyer
Working Knowledge Dana Meyer @WorkingKnowledg
Business Boomer Arabella Santiago @businessboomer
Information Playground (EMC) Steve Todd @SteveTodd
Social Media Blog Stu Stuart Miniman @stu
Insights on Leadership and Employee Engagement Michael Lee Stallard @MichaelStallard
Avaya & Buzz Marketing for Tech Paul Dunay @pauldunay
Innoblog Renee Hopkins @Renee_Innosight
Business Strategy Innovation Blog Braden Kelley @innovate Graciela Gonzalez Biondo @HSMAmericas
Time Leadership Jim Estill @JimEstill Michael Mossoba @creativemichael
All Things Workplace Steve Roesler @steveroesler
Orrin Woodward Leadership Team Orrin Woodward@Orrin_Woodward
Influential Marketing Rohit Bhargava @rohitbhargava
Brain Leaders and Learners Dr. Ellen Weber @EllenfWeber
Brain Based Biz Dr. Robyn McMaster @RobynMcMaster
Triple Pundit Jen Boynton @triplepundit
Triple Pundit Nick Aster @triplepundit
Triple Pundit Ryan Mickle @triplepundit
Marketing Thoughts Blog Ken McArthur @kenmcArthur
Training Magazine’s Training Day Blog Margery Weinstein@margeryw
Awake at the Wheel Jonathan Fields @jonathanfields
Hot Mommas Project Kathy Korman Frey @chiefhotmomma Philip Stott @VaultCareers Linda Petock @VaultCareers
Economist Mom Diane Lim Rogers @EconomistMom
Hank Wasiak Hank Wasiak @hankwasiak
Chris Brady’s Leadership Blog Chris Brady @rascaltweets
The Complete Innovator Boris Pluskowski @bpluskowski
PR Mama Stephanie Smirnov @ssmirnov
Ramblings from a Glass Half Full Terry Starbucker @Starbucker
Conference Hound Jordan Enright-Schulz @conferencehound
Conference Hound Bruce Carlisle @conferencehound
Successful Blog Liz Strauss @lizstrauss
Collaboration Solutions in Industry Segments Bob Preston@BobPrestonCCO
5 Blogs Before Lunch David Allen Ibsen @daveibsen
Angry Bear Dan Crawford @angrybearecon
Angry Bear Ken Houghton @angrybearecon
Tree Hugger Matthew McDermott @matmcdermott