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Order your copy of True North today and get access to an exclusive companion course.

Order your copy of True North today and get access to an exclusive companion course.

In this series of videos, Bill George and Zach Clayton guide you, the next generation of leaders, on the fundamentals of how to lead with authenticity and courage in an increasingly crisis-filled world. From transforming your life’s greatest challenges into invaluable leadership lessons, to transforming yourself from an I to a We Leader, this course is guaranteed to make a difference in how you navigate the storms of leadership—and ensure that the impact you have is a positive one.

Video 1

Step up to Lead as an Emerging Leader

What defines an Emerging Leader today?

Video 2

Find your True North

Becoming introspective about your crucibles can help transform even the most challenging times into pearls of wisdom.

Video 3

Lead with your Heart

Great leadership is no longer defined by brainpower; it is about connecting with people at the heart.

Video 4

Become a We Leader

To be a true leader, you must make the transition from "I" to "We" by placing the emphasis on your team and leading them toward a common purpose.

Video 5

Don't Manage People, COACH Them

Shift your focus from leading as a manager to becoming a COACH: Caring, Organizing, Aligning, Challenging, and Helping your people.

Video 6

Focus on Belonging for Authentic Inclusivity

Statistics aren’t enough—truly inclusive organizations are measured by how accepted people feel.

Video 7

4 Steps for Leading in a Crisis

As the cliche goes, you never waste a good crisis. Learn how to lead through a crisis and use the experience to transform your organization—and your leadership.

Video 8

Be a Moral Leader (and Inspire Others to Do the Same)

Moral leaders follow their calling to make a difference in the world and act as role models for the people they lead.

Video 9

Live an Integrated Life

The best recipe for authentic leadership is ensuring that work does not dominate your life.

Video 10

Discover your Purpose

Every business can connect its day to day work to a moral purpose, but it starts with you as a leader to develop self-awareness and ask the right questions.

Video 11

Operate in your Sweet Spot

There is no one-size-fits all approach to leadership; achieving success requires playing to your unique strengths and working on things that personally motivate you.

Video 12

4 Practices for Finding your True North

Cultivating your True North takes time, energy, and introspection. Here are 4 practices to help you get grounded in your sense of right and wrong, and discover your own moral compass.

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True North: Emerging Leader Edition

About the book

In True North: Emerging Leader Edition, you’ll learn how to...

  • Discover yourself: explore your life stories and crucibles.
  • Develop yourself: gain self-awareness, live in your values, and find your sweet spot.
  • Lead people authentically: transform your leadership from I to We, discover your North Star, and become a coaching leader.
  • Navigate today’s challenges: develop inclusive leadership, learn how to lead in crisis, and grow into a Moral Leader.

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From the Readers

A Must Read!

-Deborah Ashton

A just in time, highly readable and relatable leadership book for our times

-Mark Goulston

The world needs more authentic leaders and Bill George shows you the way!

-Glen Dunderson

Accurate, straightforward and interesting

-Parker Novak

Bill and True North: Emerging Leader Edition co-author Zach Clayton

A Message from

Bill and True North: Emerging Leader Edition co-author Zach Clayton

We are confident your cohort of emerging leaders will create a better world. We wrote this book to enable you to realize your full potential as an authentic leader who has a positive impact on others through your life and work. This book will challenge you to reflect on your leadership, your humanity, your values, and your purpose in life.

Wherever you live, whatever you do, this is your calling:

Make a positive impact on the world as an authentic leader. Discover your True North and Follow your North Star.